Ventnor Spring Block Party May 2019.
VENTNOR - Due to COVID-19 outdoor gathering restrictions, the city is canceling its Spring Fling Block Party scheduled for May 8. But fear not, the popular event will be back in the fall shoulder season, officials said.
We had hoped that some COVID-19 restrictions would have been lifted by now, allowing for the attendance we anticipate. However, CDC and state guidelines for large gatherings is still limited to a number that is below our anticipated attendance for this event, Commissioner of Public Safety Tim Kriebel said in a post on the city's official Facebook page.
Mayor Beth Holtzman said the commissioners postponed the block party after receiving a letter from the Ventnor PBA Local 97 that stated holding the street fair would be a blatant and reckless disregard for public safety and health.
Since we honor our police and their views and concerns, we heeded their words, the mayor said.
The commissioners discussed the possibility of postponing the event at their last meeting or holding it at Ski Beach, which would allow festival goers to be more socially distanced than on Ventnor Avenue.
Police Chief Douglas Biagi said he knows people are anxious to get back to normal, but with the number of COVID-19 cases rising, it would be difficult to track the number of people in attendance and adhere to gathering limits.
The first block party held in May 2019 was well attended, but was not held last year due to COVID-19.
State of New Jersey Outdoor Gathering Limits