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Demolition contractor publishes Trump Tower implosion video

  • Atlantic City

Joseph Grant Jr. CDI/Trump Plaza Tower implosion.


ATLANTIC CITY The contractor responsible for bringing down the former Trump Plaza tower has published a video detailing several views of the implosion, which was held on Wednesday morning, Feb. 17, to the delight of spectators viewing from a safe distance on the beach, Boardwalk and in Atlantic City hotels.

The implosion went exactly as planned with no apparent damage to Boardwalk Hall or other adjacent improvements, said Mark Loizeaux, president of Controlled Demolition, Inc. of Phoenix, Maryland, a subcontractor of main demolition contractor Hairnes & Kibblehouse, Inc. of Philadelphia.

The implosion left a neat 70-foot-high pile of rubble in the footprint of the former casino hotel that was built by former President Donald Trump and the Harrah's organization in the early 1980s.

The 34 story tower was 370 feet tall. According to the company's website, CDI loaded 1,900 pounds of explosives in 2,300 locations over 14 floors of the structure and installed more than 700 delays using a non-electric initiation system to carefully control the fall of the structure and maximize debris fragmentation. Loizeaux said he believes Hairnes & Kibblehouse will recycle the debris for other uses.

The property is currently owned by billionaire investor Carl Icahn. No plans for the property have been announced.

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