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Rash of motor vehicle thefts prompts advisories from 3 Downbeach police departments

  • Downbeach

MARGATE The start of the summer season has already proven to be problematic for residents, visitors and local police.

The Margate, Longport and Ventnor police departments recently issued advisories following a rash of vehicle thefts and burglaries in the area.

Ventnor City Police posted an advisory on its Facebook page reminding everyone to lock their doors and not leave valuable inside their vehicles if possible.

We are currently experiencing an uptick in car burglaries and motor vehicle thefts. The quickest deterrent to help combat this is to lock your doors, it said.

Longport Police issued its advisory with a graphic titled, Lock It or Lose It, and asked residents to lock their homes and garages as well and report any suspicious activity.

The Margate City Police Department on Wednesday issued a press release notifying residents and visitors of an increase in motor vehicle thefts and motor vehicle burglaries in recent weeks in various locations throughout the city and they occur in the early morning hours while it's still dark, Public Information Officer Joseph Scullion said.

The nexus in all of these cases have been unsecured vehicles or a key fob left in the vehicle, he said.

Leaving the key fob in the vehicle makes it simple to gain entry, and once inside, the thief will rummage for anything of value, and in some cases, even steal the vehicle. Locking garage doors is also important to prevent thieves from gaining entry into your home.

Again, this is accomplished when a key fob is left inside and the push to start' feature, which is on most newer vehicles, is pressed he said.

Police urge all vehicle owners to lock their vehicles at all times and remove the key fob. Do not leave money, change, wallets, or anything of value inside your vehicle.

Police say that residents and visitors can help eliminate unnecessary calls to the police that drain resources and prevent police from responding to more serious emergencies. The simple act of locking your doors and vehicles can prevent you from becoming a victim.

The large influx of people in the summer months is always welcomed, but unfortunately creates more of an opportunity for criminals to operate, Scullion said.

Anyone with information regarding recent motor vehicle thefts and burglaries, should contact their local police department. In Margate, call 609-822-1151. In Ventnor, call 609-822-2101. In Longport, call 609-822-2141.

If you witness a crime in progress, call 911.







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