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Shopping early this year? Don't forget Downbeach's favorite stocking-stuffer

  • Downbeach

Longport Holiday beach tags are on sale now at Borough Hall.

It's time to purchase everyone's favorite holiday gift 100 days of summer at the Jersey shore.

Beach tags for the 2022 season are currently on sale in Ventnor, Margate and Longport.

Longport and Ventnor offer a holiday version of the summer beach tags, complete with a gold gift box just right for holiday giving.

Longport's holiday beach tags are on sale at Longport Borough Hall, 2305 Atlantic Ave. during normal business hours while supplies last. Seasonal tags are $18 and senior tags are $8.

In Ventnor, specially designed holiday beach tags, which are good in both Ventnor and Margate, are on sale a Ventnor City Hall, 6201 Atlantic Ave. during normal business hours starting Monday, Nov. 22 and can be purchased by cash or check only. Seasonal tags in gift boxes are $12 each.

Margate does not off a themed holiday tag, but regular tags will be available for purchase at the Martin Bloom Pavilion on the beach at Huntington Avenue 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday starting Nov. 22. The pavilion will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday, Nov. 25-26. Seasonal tags are $10 each, $3.50 for seniors.

Free seasonal tags are available to veterans and active military members with military identification in all communities.