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Tamme McCauley Explains How Being a Foodie Can Make a Person More Fit!

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Tamme McCauley of Pacific Palisades is an entrepreneur and self-proclaimed foodie. In the following article, Tamme McCauley explains the surprising details of fitness and foodie lifestyle why taking advantage of the interest's imparted skill set can have numerous benefits.

A foodie may sound like the last type of person one would ever expect to be characterized by physical fitness. After all, someone with an interest in food, in particular, may sound like the absolute opposite of a fitness buff. However, Tamme explains that there are hidden benefits of being a food lover it can make you more aware of ingredients and more fit!

Tamme McCauley of Pacific Palisades explains that there are 3 main benefits of a particular interest in food that can contribute to heightened physical fitness. These include being knowledgeable about ingredients in order to optimize health benefits, being willing to cook meals with fresh, organic vegetables, and being willing to eat enough food to promote the energy needed for working out and promoting fitness.

The Foodie Fitness Benefits

When it comes to identifying as a foodie, it is no secret that food itself is of primary importance to the individual. Therefore, Tamme McCauley says that it is also no wonder that foodies are not often considered to be physically fit. However, the truth of the matter is, physical fitness has just as much to do with what a person eats as it does what they abstain from, or how they exercise.

Below is a list of benefits to being a food connoisseur.

1. Consciousness of food and health benefits
2. Willingness to prepare food at home with fresh ingredients
3. Willingness to try new, healthy recipes

Tamme McCauley of Pacific Palisades will examine each of these benefits in-depth to explain how being a food-phanatic actually benefits physical fitness.

A Consciousness of Food and Health Benefits

According to, a consciousness of what kinds of food one needs to eat in order to have the energy for fitness-promoting activities is incredibly important to overall fitness goals! After all, carbs eaten in any type of diet contributes to glycogen, which is meant to fuel short exercises of high intensity.

In addition, the burning of fat, or even fat-rich sources of food, can keep the body moving even in longer exercise sessions such as cardio or marathon running. Finally, Tamme says that protein is a fantastic source of fuel in building up new muscles, repairing tears, and keeping the muscular system efficient in recovery after an exercise.

Hydration, which can come in the form of water or specific food groups, is critical for good workout performance. Without these food sources, the fitness benefits of working out would be greatly diminished.

A foodie genuinely enjoys the study of food, not just to experience new flavor profiles or create new dishes, but to gain the health boosts that come from eating the right kinds of food explains Tamme McCauley. Studying what foods are best in combination with exercise is sometimes considered a hassle when deciding to get fit; for a foodie, it can actually be enjoyable!

Willingness to Prepare Food

In addition to the studying food, actually preparing meals is another obstacle that is all too common in the lives of would-be workout and nutrition enthusiasts.

While others might be tempted to grab the quick fix of processed meals and fast foods, a foodie usually researches ingredients and recipes, putting them into practice.

Willingness to Try New, Healthy Dishes

Finally, Tamme McCauley says that one of the last and most challenging obstacles on the path to fitness for many people can simply be learning to try new foods and recipes. Unhealthy food additions are usually higher in carbs and fat, and lower in good sources of protein. For example, studies have shown that people report greater difficulty when making the switch to newer, healthier meals and portions.

This is even a tricky habit to break when the individual is used to pre-made, heavily processed foods. However, a foodie is not only characterized by a love of learning about new ingredients, their health benefits and experiencing the thrill of making them, but by actually following through and eating them, too.

Though many of us balk at the idea of trying new, unfamiliar food choices regardless of health benefits, but Tamme McCauley says that a foodie accepts the challenge with glee!

In Conclusion

To sum it all up, a foodie is set up for success on a journey to wellness and fitness because the first step to any fitness program begins in the kitchen. Someone who is making personal fitness goals must be willing to not only give up old, poor dietary choices, but embrace new ones. This can entail cooking homemade meals, researching fuel-efficient ingredients, and trying new things.

Being a foodie is a fun adventure and an enjoyable activity. Learning more about certain foods, how they fuel the body, and nutritional benefits are all positive aspects of being a foodie. The best part is, there is no certification, accreditation, or course to study even a self-proclaimed food lover can reap the benefits of the dietary benefits of being a foodie!






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