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Stacy Amoroso of Bucks County Discusses the Importance of Community Outreach and How to Get Involved

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Stacy Amoroso of Bucks County works as an outpatient therapist who enjoys helping her community in her spare time. In the following article, Stacy Amoroso discusses why community outreach is not just a moral obligation, but one that creates a positive impact in society.

We all hope for brighter days, and therefore it makes perfect sense that we work together within our local communities to improve the lives around us.

Community outreach can take the form of volunteers in schools, nonprofit organizations, or even health clinics established in the community. These aid the function of neighborhoods, as a whole.

In this article, Stacy Amoroso of Bucks County outlines what it means to improve the community, and some tips on the various ways individuals, small business owners, and larger corporations can get involved.

Community Outreach Defined

Community outreach is an official action taken by community workers and/or volunteers for the sole purpose of improving the economic conditions and overall health of people in need of their local area.

As may be expected, Stacy Amoroso of Bucks County reports that this type of outreach can look different between several different types of actions or organizations. For example, a social worker may work with individuals to understand what they need, whether it be health resources or monetary support, and then directs them on to the resources that are readily available to them.

On the other hand, community outreach can consist of volunteers organizing an event such as a food or blood drive. Another prime example might be for a specific age range of those in need, such as social activities for the elderly or a tutoring service provided for teenagers at youth centers.

Stacy Amoroso of Bucks County says that though it is possible to become a social worker by trade, it is just as important to volunteer. However, in order to accomplish this, one must understand how to get involved.

How to Get Involved in a Local Community

In order to best understand where to get started Stacy Amoroso prepared a list of tips below. These can be applied to organizations, individuals hoping to volunteer, or even entrepreneurs looking to get their entire business involved.

  • Join Official Chambers of Commerce

  • Research a Passion-Building Cause

  • Donate to Charity

  • Join the Board

Stacy Amoroso takes a closer look at each of these four ways that an individual or organization can get involved.

Join Official Chambers of Commerce

Joining the official chamber of commerce for a local area is one of the first and foremost ways a person can participate within the community. Additionally, it offers quick turnaround on new opportunities, and a whole network of other interested organizations for building even more programs.

Often, businesses will give back to their community and enjoy the advertising and goodwill that being an active member of the local area provides. The local chamber of commerce is a great way to be a part of this particular vein of service.

Research a Passion-Building Cause

Often one of the easiest steps for interested parties to take is to simply research a cause that is important to them, as an individual. Stacy Amoroso explains that if a particular illness or impoverished demographic is something an individual is passionate about, they can perform an internet search or even reachout to local officials to see whether or not that cause has a local charity available.

The next step is to simply volunteer one's time. Finding a shelter or organization that needs consistent hands and has a mission that aligns with one's values is vitally important.

Stacy Amoroso of Bucks CountyDonate to Charity

It may sound cliché, but Stacy Amoroso says that just by offering resources to a charity simply makes a huge difference. Find a cause that is important personally, then consider adding it to a monthly budget as a permanent line item.

Not only is it beneficial to all affected by the charity, but it is often as simple as mailing a check or clicking on a donation button on an organization's website.

Join the Board

Finally, joining a board of a nonprofit organization in one's locality is one of the best ways to get into the thick giving back. Boards plan events, canvas for resources, and get the word out about the cause of the donation event.

Stacy Amoroso reports that they also conduct house meetings, promote education about specific issues, and help all involved to focus on the mission.

In Conclusion

The importance of community outreach and how to get involved are two subjects that go hand in hand for the betterment of whole neighborhoods and local economies. To get involved, research a topic that is personally important and consider volunteering time or resources. Think about even joining a board or organization if you can.

This is a vital way to improve local communities and those most in need. Getting involved is not only simple, but beneficial for everyone from individual levels to large corporations!






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