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Majority of those polled believe in term, age limits for elected officials

  • Atlantic County

U.S. Capital, Washington, D.C.

GALLOWAY TOWNSHIP - Large majorities of New Jersey voters support term and age limits for elected leaders serving in both federal and state governments, according to a Stockton University Poll released Wednesday.

Nearly three-fourths (72%) of New Jersey residents said elected officials should no longer be permitted to hold office once they reach a certain age, while 21% oppose such a limit and 6% are not sure.

More than two-thirds (69%) support maximum age limits for Supreme Court justices, while 22% oppose and 8% are not sure, the poll found.

A strong majority also supports imposing term limits on members of the U.S. Congress (80%) and the NJ Legislature (80%). A minority of 14% and 13% oppose term limits on these bodies, respectively, while 5% are not sure.

The poll of 630 New Jersey adults released by the William J. Hughes Center for Public Policy has a margin of error of +/- 3.9 percentage points.

We know from other recent polling that voters hold Congress in very low regard and are frustrated with the lack of progress in solving the nation's problems, Hughes Center Director John Froonjian said. These results show a desire for new blood and fresh thinking.

The median age of U.S. House members (59) and senators (65) has been trending upward for decades, outpacing that of the American people (39). Some of the longest-serving lawmakers have been in office for more than 40 years. President Joe Biden, 80, is also the oldest sitting president and his likely challenger, Republican front runner and former President Donald Trump, is 77. Both Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are in their 80s.

Ideally, we would like our elected leaders to reflect the demographics of the public they represent, Froonjian said.

When those who supported imposing an age cap were asked what that maximum age should be, a plurality (43%) said between the ages of 60 and 69. The second-highest rate of one-third said the maximum should be between 70 and 79.

Regarding term limits, of those who support them, a plurality of nearly half (48%) think the terms should be limited to up to 12 years, while 40% said they should be limited to only two to six years in office. The next highest rate of just 8% said up to 20 years in office should be the maximum.

Support for these limits was universal, Research Associate Alyssa Maurice said. People of all ages and party affiliations are wary of career politicians serving indefinitely.

Those 65 and older still supported maximum age limits at a rate of two-thirds but did differ slightly on the preferred age. In this age group, a plurality said the cap should fall between 70 and 79, while pluralities in all other age groups preferred a younger maximum.

Support for maximum age limits for elected officials66%81%73%
Support for maximum age limits for Supreme Court justices73%67%66%
Support for congressional term limits78%83%82%
Support for NJ legislature term limits76%84%83%

You can find the full poll results here.






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