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Seng Tiong Ho Discusses Trends Shaping the Learning Experience

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Seng Tiong Ho, a seasoned expert in education, offers invaluable insights into the dynamic shifts shaping the modern learning experience. Through his knowledge and experience, he sheds light on the pivotal trends influencing how we acquire knowledge and skills in today's world. In the following article, Seng Tiong Ho discusses the latest trends in the learning landscape and educational methodologies.

Teaching is an incredibly difficult yet rewarding profession. What makes it so is the fact that everyone learns differently. Each child is unique in their perspective of the world. This means that the learning experience is constantly evolving.

Teachers are utilizing innovative teaching methods and technology, benefitting learners by simplifying communication. When these aren't enough, teachers and students work together for personalized education using online platforms and specialized software.

Seng Tiong Ho says that learning is lifelong, but the times shape current trends. These trends are often new ways to transfer old skills. Teachers can pass on quality education through modern innovations, new technology, and personalization.

Seng Tiong Ho on the Overall Teaching Innovations

One size fits all is never the case when it comes to education. That said, the general teaching methods are a great place to start. Some of the best teaching innovations include:

  • Jigsaw lessons

  • Project-based lessons

  • Flipped classes

  • Passion-based lessons

Jigsaw Lessons

The jigsaw lesson method involves breaking the class into groups. Each group is given one facet of the day's lesson. Then, when the students are comfortable with their portion, the groups are mixed so that each group has one member from each of the original groups.

Seng Tiong Ho explains that the students teach the other members of their new group what they learned. This allows the students to master their portion of the topic by both learning it and teaching it.

Project-Based Learning

Project-based lessons are designed to teach many critical skills. Students are again grouped up and given a situation with a problem to solve. The groups must determine the initial problem, come up with a solution, and research what they would need.

Seng Tiong Ho says that students will develop their critical thinking skills, problem-solving, and collaboration skills when the initial problem is unclear. Additionally, this lesson strategy can shake up the routine and get students interested.

Flipped Classes

Where the standard classroom covers lectures during class and assigns work based on the lesson for home, a flipped classnaturallydoes the opposite.

This strategy involves teachers assigning readings or video lectures as homework. During class time the teacher and students can ensure that everyone understands the content. This can be done through discussion, testing, or any method the teacher decides will be effective.

Passion-Based Lessons

Seng Tiong Ho explains that as kids, it can be difficult to force ourselves to be interested in required topics. Some may have no problem with it, but even when the topic is intriguing it becomes a chore because it is required.

To combat this, teachers can open the topic to their pupils. Drumming up curiosity can be tricky but will ensure the students are more involved. Teachers can open the topic up to the students so that they might ask questions.

Seng Tiong Ho Technology in Education

Students today can take advantage of modern technology to great effect. Helpful classroom technology can range from communication software and quizzing platforms to gamified lessons and virtual reality.

Seng Tiong Ho notes that in the past few years, communication software has become commonplace in education. When lockdowns were in effect, students and teachers communicated through synchronous video communication. Now that this is no longer required, asynchronous video lectures have become more common.

Communication and studying come together in virtual learning platforms that allow students to learn in their preferred method.

Another great use of modern tech is gamified lessons. This engagement technique is greatly improved by websites that create fun quizzes and other educational games.

Personalization Trends

Especially in public schools, one-on-one education is not possible for every student. Luckily, technology also provides new innovative ways for teachers and students to make use of personalized education.

The simplest way this is possible is through constant access to education tools through the internet. Additionally, many online services provide different ways to learn a concept so that a student can learn the way that works best for them, explains Seng Tiong Ho.

Personalized learning can be more than just a curriculum designed for a specific student. It is also providing access to education for students who learn differently. This can look like visual, hands-on, and other styles of learning.

Final Thoughts

Seng Tiong Ho reports that education trends are never set in stone. These trends are shaped by the tools available to teachers in the moment. As new tools become available the trends will change. It is often the case that the new methods are based on older ones to match the times and the students.






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