Provided/Seashore Gardens Foundation Golf Tournament Co-chairmen are, from left, David Lieberman, Jason Goldstein and Rich Cohen.
EGG HARBOR TOWNSHIP - Seashore Gardens Foundation will hold its eighth annual Golf Tournament Wednesday, June 19, at Harbor Pines Golf Club, 500 St. Andrews Drive. Golfers and nongolfers are invited to participate in the event to benefit the organization hich is wdedicated to enriching elder lives.
“The Seashore Gardens Foundation Golf Tournament is not just about sinking putts and driving long shots; it’s about making a difference,” said Rich Cohen, president of the Seashore Gardens Foundation and co-chair of the golf tournament, along with Jason Goldstein and David Lieberman. “By participating, you’ll be helping us enrich elder lives in the South Jersey community by raising funds to establish dementia support groups, intergenerational programs and combat social isolation.”
Golf tournament registration and lunch begin at noon. Tee time 1:30 p.m. Cocktails will begin at 5 p.m., followed by an awards dinner.
Prizes will be awarded for closest to the pin and longest drive. There also will be a silent auction.
Cost is $250 per golfer and includes a lunch and buffet dinner and deluxe goody bag. Foursomes are available for $1,000. Cost for non-golfers who wish to attend the awards dinner is $75 per person.
Register online at
https://seashoregardens.org/support-us/golf-tournament. Sponsorships and program book ads are also available.
Seashore Gardens Foundation is a nonprofit leader in promoting and enhancing services and programs for the elderly. Its mission is to enrich the quality of life for the aged in southern New Jersey, guided by the Jewish tradition of caring and charity, and adapting to an ever-changing environment.
For more information, contact Erin Luurtsema at 609-404-4848 or
[email protected].