Residents of the North Beach area of Ventnor get together to socialize and award college scholarships to students.
VENTNOR - North Beach Ventnor will be hosting its ninth annual Meet and Greet 7-10 p.m. Saturday, June 8 at Tutto Fresco at 5000 Boardwalk. Guest speaker is Renate Taylor of the Community FoodBank of New Jersey Southern Branch.
Neighbors are invited to socialize with good food and beverages. The event raises money for the group's annual scholarship fund.
Tickets are $30 in advance, with $5 going toward the scholarship fund, and may be purchased online at, or at Mento's Ice Cream, Jagielky's Candy or the Carisbrook Café at Vassar Square.
For more information, email
Learn more at North Beach Ventnor on Facebook.