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Jonathan Sears Discusses Clean Water Projects Led by Non-Profit Organizations

  • Downbeach

Water is a basic need. It serves human health, productivity, and overall livelihood.

However, billions around the world have no access to safe drinking water. And even more people face water scarcity at least one month every year. Jonathan Sears of SC is an entrepreneur with a focus on getting local businesses involved in philanthropy. We sat down with Mr. Sears to learn about some of the non-governmental entities making a difference globally when it comes to water scarcity.

Jon Sears sees notes that to combat this international crisis, the following non-profit organizations work to provide clean water to all.

Learn more about these 5 non-profit organizations below.

Today's Statistics on Clean Access

The average person requires ¾ of a gallon of fluid per day just for drinking. But H2O isn't only about drinking. It's also necessary for basic sanitation and hygiene, which help prevent illness and disease.

Recent statistics regarding this crisis from the CDC include:

  • Internationally, over 884 people did not have a safe drinking source.

  • More than 2 billion people could not access basic sanitation, while 3 billion could not safely wash at home.

  • Unsafe drinking sources accounted for 72% of diarrheal deaths, while dangerous sanitation caused 56% of deaths by diarrheal illness.

1. Pure Water for the World

This non-profit focuses on communities in Central America and the Caribbean, where a third of the population cannot continuously access clean water.

Jonathan Sears says that Pure Water for the World helps families by providing the necessary tools and education to develop clean, sustainable water systems in their areas. Sustained access means safe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene solutions.

If you'd like to get involved, this organization has a few options. You can give one-off donations or sign up for monthly donations. You're even able to start your own fundraiser. If you prefer direct action to financial support, this non-profit offers volunteer opportunities.

2. charity: water

charity: water's mission is to provide safe, clean drinking to communities in developing countries.

Unlike similar organizations, this non-profit doesn't take one-off donations. Instead, they encourage supporters to start their own campaigns to raise money. Their website allows you to choose an activity and helps you create a page for your campaign. From there, you can promote your fundraiser and track your process.

This organization is entirely funded by those who support it. They believe encouraging supporter campaigns brings in both funding and awareness to this international crisis.

3. The Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)

This organization focuses on policy and is located in Stockholm, Sweden. Their focus is on research, building institutional capacity, and offering advisory services for water resources.

SIWI guides policy both at home and abroad, and they help put research into practice. The institution feels the best way to combat this international crisis is by improving water governance for private and public parties.

During their 30-year existence, they were the starting point for the leading international water conference, World Water Week.

Unlike other non-profits on this list, SIWI does not take donations or enlist help from volunteers. If you're looking to get involved and have the qualifications, you can apply for a career position.

Jonathan Sears SC

4. Blood:Water

Blood:Water has two missions and works alongside African grassroots organizations to accomplish them.

This non-profit wants to bring both clean drinking sources and HIV/AIDS support to people in 11 African countries.

Blood:Water has a stringent selection process for their partnerships. They take the time to find the heroes already established in the community and culture they wish to help. This way, Blood:Water and its partners can provide real, lasting change. The support this non-profit provides helps strengthen its partner's reach and effectiveness in their community.

If you'd like to get involved, this organization accepts donations and encourages fundraising efforts. They also have a particular initiative geared toward kids wanting to get involved.

5. Water for Good

Water for Good is another non-profit whose mission focuses on Africa, specifically the Central African Republic. The Central African Republic is one of the poorest countries in the world, with over 60% living in poverty.

They work with Central African Republic communities to improve agriculture, implement sanitation best practices, and encourage others to create sustainable clean water sources. The organization connects communities to local water businesses, provides spare parts for building, and helps in government oversight.

This non-profit tracks its impact on their website through a Google map that shows the current status of the water pumps they've helped build.

If you'd like to get involved, the organization accepts action-based and financial support. Individuals have the option or donate or organize their own fundraiser. But, this non-profit is also interested in folks willing to volunteer their time and talents.

Guaranteeing Clean Water for All

Today, several non-profit organizations are using their resources to combat a global crisis. Although their missions impact different areas of the world, and each has its own method, they all support the same overarching goal: clean water for all.

The above clean water projects take an active approach to their goal and invite individual supporters to join in on their missions.






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