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Robert Kusel on Creative Funding Solutions for Non-Profits

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Robert Kusel is a prominent figure in the arena of creative funding solutions, renowned for his instrumental role in bolstering non-profit sustainability and his dedication to promoting youth soccer. Through innovative strategies, Robert Kusel soccer has consistently demonstrated a profound understanding of the financial landscape that non-profits navigate. In the following article, Robert Kusel unveils meticulously crafted approaches, offering a concrete roadmap for non-profits seeking to diversify their revenue streams, backed by proven methodologies, poised to fortify organizations in their pursuit of meaningful impact. Non-profit organizations are always in pursuit of a noble cause, but the success of their work often depends on finding sustainable financial resources.

Looking for funding solutions is indeed a daunting task, but there are many individuals and organizations out there who are always willing to support a good cause - it's just a matter of knowing where to look.

Robert Kusel explains that innovative thinking is also a must. Creativity and adaptability will help empower non-profits to broaden their financial horizons beyond the traditional way of fundraising.

Below are more details on various new ways for non-profit organizations to generate revenue and secure a promising future for their missions.

Robert Kusel Lists 5 Innovative Ways Nonprofits Can Raise Funds

Start a Text-to-Give or Text-to-Donate Campaign

Who isn't on their mobile phones nowadays? To keep up with technology, non-profits should start modernizing their fundraising strategies.

In recent years, text-to-give and text-to-donate campaigns have grown in popularity because of their simplicity and effectiveness. These methods allow donors to make a donation to a cause right from their phones.

Robert Kusel says that with text-to-give campaigns, those who want to donate simply need to text a keyword to a specified number.

While often used interchangeably, the two methods are different.

Their mobile service provider will charge them a predetermined amount that will show up on their next phone bill. The nonprofit can collect the donations from the phone carrier at a later time, often with an additional charge.

On the other hand, with text-to-donate campaigns, donors need to text a campaign ID to the number provided. The phone carrier will text back with a link where donors can make an online donation. Many non-profits prefer this method because bigger donations can be made and the money goes directly to their bank account.

Go Back to Postal Mail

Robert Kusel soccer reports that according to a study conducted by the Direct Marketing Association, up to 90 percent of postal mail gets opened, as opposed to only 20 percent in emails.

While digitizing fundraising strategies is great, it doesn't mean non-profits should forget about traditional methods like sending out letters to donors through direct mail. The method may be conventional, but the letters don't have to be - try new types of mailers like postcards that include a QR code leading to an online donation form.

Robert Kusel says that just be sure to add supporting materials that might interest and demonstrate value to potential donors.

Launch a Phone-a-Thon

Speaking of traditional methods, simply picking up the phone to call both prospective and existing donors can be an effective fundraising strategy.

A phone-a-thon campaign involves calling donors and politely asking them to support a cause by donating a specific amount, either matching their gift from the previous year or increasing the amount.

Robert Kusel says that this is a great way for organizations to get to know their donors better, too - after asking for a donation, non-profits can inquire about the contributor's involvement in other causes or philanthropic interests. This helps foster a genuine connection which may potentially lead to long-term support.

Organizations can do this campaign in-house, utilizing their existing staff members or they can outsource a company to handle both the details and the calls for them.

robert kuselBegin a Membership Program

Membership programs not only establish a predictable source of income for a non-profit but also help them build a loyal base of supporters. It's also a great way for organizations to give back and offer benefits to their members.

These benefits can include members-only programs, exclusive access to the organization's updates and newsletters, or special events to acknowledge member support and raise more funds.

Utilize Volunteerism

Robert Kusel says that while donations rake in the cash, non-profits are able to budget the money better with the help of volunteers.

People are generous in donating their time to causes they believe in. According to an AmeriCorps report called Volunteering in America, 30 percent of Americans volunteered their time, resulting in 5.8 billion hours of combined working time, which is worth about $147 million.

Robert Kusel notes that having varied innovative revenue streams is more than just a strategy; it's a lifeline for non-profits to continue with their noble missions. By engaging their donors in new ways, organizations can secure their financial sustainability while deepening their connection with their supporters.






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