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Longport closes Borough Hall, provides coronavirus updates

  • Longport

Longport Borough Hall

LONGPORT - Mayor Nicholas Russo issued an executive order closing all municipal buildings at the end of business Wednesday, March 18 until April 2, when the coronavirus situation will be assessed to determine if additional closures are necessary. Although the offices will remain closed, all services are available at this time.

Borough Hall staff will be available by telepone at 609-823-2731, via email or U.S. Mail. A phone directory and email address listing is available online at

Any documents, and utility or tax payments can be deposited in the drop box located at the main entrance of the Longport Police Department at the rear of Borough Hall. Please specify which department your drop off should be referred and provide a return contact phone number, email address or mailing address if you require a response. Tax and utility payments can also be made online at the borough's website,

All meetings including regular meetings of the Board of Commissioners and Planning/Zoning Board are cancelled until April 2, unless the mayor extends the executive order.

Senior citizen social luncheons are also canceled until further notice.

Proper notice will be provided for any special or emergency meetings that may be necessary to conduct borough business.

Municipal Court sessions and hearings are postponed until after April 20. Call 609-822-2147, ext. 112 for more information or visit

The Longport Public Library is closed until further notice. Books and videos can be returned when the library reopens. For more about library issues, see

Police, Fire and EMS services will continue as usual.

The Borough of Longport will be coordinating with all local, federal and state agencies to mitigate the impact of the coronavirus outbreak on residents, visitors and employees.

The borough urges everyone to adhere to the guidelines being issued by the Center for Disease Control and Atlantic County Board of Health.

Residents and visitors should monitor the borough website and Facebook page for updates.