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Longport honors Beach Patrol on 5th consecutive SJ Championship win

  • Downbeach

From left, Commissioner Dan Lawler, Mayor Nicholas Russo, Commissioner Jim Leeds, Longport Beach Patrol Chief Matt Kelm, Lt. Sean Duffey, Lt. Mike McGrath and Lt. Tom Kesz.


LONGPORT The Mayor and Board of Commissioners Wednesday, Oct. 20 honored members of the Longport Beach Patrol who prevailed for an unprecedented fifth consecutive year in the 81st South Jersey Lifeguard Championships held Aug. 13.

Mayor Nicholas Russo took the time to read the entire proclamation honoring Beach Patrol Lt. Sean Duffey, a 24-year guard; Lt. Mike McGrath, a 21-year guard; and Joey Tepper, a 4-year guard who swims for the University of Tennessee. Each of them reflect the highest standards of preparedness and safety patrolling the waters along Longport's beach, he said.

We don't usually take the time to read an actual proclamation, but this is so significant, I want to read it into the record, Russo said. The Longport Beach Patrol has achieved the highest standards of excellence in representing and protecting the borough.

Beach Patrol Chief Matt Kelm said although he was under COVID-19 quarantine during race preparations and had to watch the tournament when it was livestreamed, Lt. Tom Kesz stepped up to serve as race director for the championship event, which was again hosted by the Longport Beach Patrol. The race included single and doubles rows and an ocean swim.

No beach patrol has won more than three consecutive championships, Kelm said.

The idea you can do it four times in a row is amazing, but five times in a row is not achievable. They have set themselves apart and no one else will ever come close to what they have achieved. It is a testament to the work they put in, their character and the fact that they came to Longport says something about the borough, Kelm said. You have made the last five years of my career pretty darn enjoyable.

If you missed it, you can watch it here on YouTube courtesy of SJL Racing Series.

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